An Inside Look at My New Boutique! February 25, 2025Sarah Madelin How's your new year going? Mine has started out super busy! You know those projects that take over your brain and your dining room table? That's been me these past...
What's Your Favorite Fall Escape? October 03, 2024Sarah Madelin Have you been wondering where I am? I don't blame you. It's been a few months. Last time, I shared that a bad situation led me to abruptly quit my well-loved job of seven...
The Prettiest Poppies: On Gardening and Personal Growth May 31, 2024Sarah Madelin Confession: I am terrible with plants. Actually, hold on... Make that, I was terrible with plants. Because I'm focusing on growth over here. And not just on the growth of...
At Home in the Path of Totality April 22, 2024Sarah Madelin Hello, Friend! I was hoping to share a link to my redesigned website today, but alas! It's still not done. The reason for this is a good one, however: I...
Bleak Midwinter? Early Spring? As usual, in Colorado, we've got a mix of both... March 01, 2024Sarah Madelin Hello, hello! How's the weather in your corner of the world? Are you struggling through the winter blues? Enjoying the blossoms of an early spring? Maybe you're on the other...
Did Someone Say Free Books? September 20, 2023Sarah Madelin You may have heard of the wildly popular Romance Bookworms promotion that takes place every quarter. The one in June was so popular it actually brought in too much traffic to Amazon's site...
Getting Cozy with a Great Read September 07, 2023Sarah Madelin I know, I'm rushing the whole "let's hunker down in our sweaters and read by the fireplace" vibe a bit. Last week it was in the nineties here in my neck of Colorado. This...
Basking in the Aloha August 16, 2023Sarah Madelin Aloha from the island of O'ahu! My husband has been working in Japan for the past month and on his way home, he had the brilliant idea for us to...
A Makeover for Love on Film July 06, 2023Sarah Madelin I'm super excited about the new cover design for Love on Film. The first one (which I loved) didn't quite fit the series as a whole as well as I want,...
What's On This Season's Bucket List? June 08, 2023Sarah Madelin Here in Colorado, we're kicking off the sun-soaked summer season. I'll confess, I'm not usually a summer kind of gal. Partly because I'm a fan of cooler weather, but mainly because...
Traveling Cat May 12, 2023Sarah Madelin Meet Kitty CoCat, so-named because my daughter, who was three when she named her, thought this was how to pronounce calico cat. Kitty CoCat was a founding member of my...
Champion of Her Heart April 28, 2023Sarah Madelin Last year, I introduced you to my good friend Allison Gygi, who was then celebrating the release of her debut romance, Chasing Her Heart. It's such a sweet travel-themed second-chance romance! This week,...