Hello, Friend!
I was hoping to share a link to my redesigned website today, but alas! It's still not done. The reason for this is a good one, however: I took my little girl on an extended trip to my hometown in southern Illinois to view the full solar eclipse. My parents' house was right in its path, and my girl really wanted to see it. Her twin brother had no interest at all (the idea of it kind of freaked him out) so she and I left the boys at home and made the two-day drive from Colorado. We arrived at my parents' home late on the eve of the big event!
It truly did feel other worldly when a twilight-dark covered our stretch of the countryside for the three minutes of totality we got to experience. We were so surprised by how the shadows changed, how the temperature dropped, how the birds settled in the trees as if night were really falling. And it was so special to share it with our gathered group of friends and family who I've seen so rarely since moving away. In the awed stillness of those shadowed moments, being back at home with people who have known me from childhood and who were embracing my kiddo as their own...it just felt right. We were soaking in this rare and grandiose celestial event, yet we were doing so in the hushed peace of a familiar yet too infrequently visited place.
I guess what I'm saying is that it was good to be home.
Did you get to see the eclipse this month? What adventures have you had lately? Drop me a note - I would love to know!
Sarah Madelin