Meet Kitty CoCat, so-named because my daughter, who was three when she named her, thought this was how to pronounce calico cat. Kitty CoCat was a founding member of my little girl's evergrowing cat menagerie (current count: three real, three-dozen stuffed, all beloved, in case you were wondering). Given Kitty CoCat's diminutive size, she's become the perfect traveling companion for my husband, whose work occasionally takes him out of town. This week, the hubs and the stuffy flew to Raleigh, NC for a conference, where Kitty CoCat made the rounds at several industry presentations. Look at these loyal colleagues/buddies of my husband who included her in their presentations. I love it! Kitty CoCat - she's an influencer in water resource management!
In July, Kitty CoCat is going on a big adventure when Husband's work takes him to Okinowa and Japan for a few weeks. She may even get a pitstop in Hawaii! I am moderately jealous, but excited to see the delight on my daughter's face when she gets the pictures. I'll be sure to share some with you!
In other news, my day job is at peak insanity for the next couple of months, so my work-in-progress, Matchmaker Baker, is simmering impatiently on the backburner. I hope to share the first chapter with you in the next few weeks.