Aloha from the island of O'ahu! My husband has been working in Japan for the past month and on his way home, he had the brilliant idea for us to meet in Hawai'i for a few days. We are on our last day and I am full of peace at how restorative the beauty us has been. What a true privilege it has been to spend time here.
When we first arrived, people kept telling us to "enjoy the aloha." I wasn't familiar with this idea. I knew aloha could mean hello and goodbye, and I had a vague idea that it had other connotations, but I had no idea how central the aloha spirit is to Hawaiian culture. The best description I can find comes from the Skyline Hawai'i blog:
Aloha is an essence of being: love, peace, compassion, and a mutual understanding of respect. Aloha means living in harmony with the people and land around you with mercy, sympathy, grace, and kindness.
We've seen this time and again over the past few days. The people here are kind, helpful, and welcoming in that lovely way that makes everyone else better as well. It's inspiring to see the many ways the community here has rallied to help the neighboring island of Maui through its devastating fire. Businesses and individuals are collecting money and goods to support Maui residents as well as donating their time and profits. It's humbling to witness and to support. I know I will leave here full of the aloha spirit and more determined to share the same kindness and welcoming perspective with those around me at home in Colorado.
Mahalo to Hawai'i for the bliss it has given me. Here are more photos for you so you can travel vicariously for a few minutes and hopefully feel some of that same peace!