Have I mentioned before that I have twins? I do! My boy and girl are seven and they are the funniest little creatures I've ever met. I also have a pretty bad memory, so for a few years now, I've been keeping track of the funny things these kiddos say on my website. I started it as something to share with other authors who might need inspiration for a kid character they were writing, but it's good for anyone who needs a laugh. For example:
The Boy, 6 (to me, while we’re driving): “Make sure you don’t go break the speed lemon.”
The Girl, 6, coyly, while discussing doll fashion: “You’re probably surprised that I know about plaid.”
The Boy, 5: “It was in 2018, when I was just a little cub.”
The Girl, 5 (schoolmarmish): “You were never a cub.”
The Girl, 5: “Was it fun being a bride? And I’m sure Daddy had fun being a broom. A wedding broom.”
If you need to add some humor to your day, check it out!