Three years ago, I was so intent on pursuing a dedicated writing career. I started strong, but floundered when an incredible academic editing job popped up out of nowhere. Frankly, the job was a miracle. I've never enjoyed working for other people; typically, I like running my own show. But this job is different. It combines the nerdy fun of editing with helping people achieve their dream career. I loved it right away—I still do!—but it ate up all my time. And I ate up a ton of junk to keep myself going.
My new editing job derailed my own writing career. I lost sight of my goals and, overworked and exhausted, I consoled myself with comfort foods. Two years later, I've gained back all the baby weight I worked so hard to lose. Insert sad face.
For the past two years, I have neglected my family, my health, and my own goals to help my clients achieve their dreams. By writing this, I'm not looking for pity.
I chose to work 18 hours a day.
I decided to edit until 3AM, knowing I had to get up at 7 with my kids.
I reached for the Oreos at midnight..
So, no pity party here. It's just time for a change.
I love my work. But it's making me sick. Tension headaches, chronic sleep deprivation, weight gain, and OhMyGosh the Mom Guilt. I don't want this anymore. I can't anymore.
Sorry, clients. Your dreams are important, to you and to me, and I genuinely love helping you achieve them. But I'm not willing to make myself sick for you anymore.
(Or perhaps ANUSTART...any “Arrested Development” fans out there?!)
Readers, be my witnesses: I'm done being a workaholic. I love my job, and I'm going to give my clients my best, but after eight hours (ten if it’s crazy), I'm going to stop working and live my life each day. I'm going to spend more time with my family, write for myself again, build up my passion projects, and nurture my health. Starting today.
Sarah Madelin